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Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text

Bracom Art Book

Bracom Art Book

"The Arts of Packaging Design - The Untold Story" unveils the narratives concealed behind Bracom's gradually revealed works. This marks the debut publication within the upcoming collection of Artbooks that Bracom plans to curate and release.

This book centers on sharing and introducing our distinguished and exceptional projects, viewed through the lens and narratives from the very team that brings these works to life. We believe you will garner numerous intriguing experiences as you delve into Bracom's journey of conquering demanding challenges and assignments through the medium of graphic imagery.

This isn't solely a repository of images and processes involved in crafting renowned packaging projects; it's also our expression of gratitude to the intangible spirits that have contributed to the reputation of the Bracom team.



Bracom Art Book

Bracom Art Book



Branding, Editorial

Branding, Editorial









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Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text

For Bracom, "Arts of Packaging Design - The Untold Story" is akin to an achievement board that emits sound and light.

However, the creators of this book—the team of designers—are individuals who prefer the economy of words. They are quiet yet bold. They conquer the design realm with an independent aesthetic sensibility and perspective. Without pomp or ostentation, within this book, you will witness the most authentic aspects of our process in constructing a masterpiece. In its role as an agency, Bracom will guide you onto a challenging turning point, inviting you to explore the journey of conquering various personalities and colors across multiple industries.

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Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text

Concept & Material

We are proud of the impact our design had on the success of the business and look forward to future opportunities to work with conscious brands.