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Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text

DC Ventures

DC Ventures

DC Ventures is a boutique fund management company that was born to support and develop the Vietnamese creative design community. Our mission in this project is to help the core team members of DC Ventures to transform their business vision and mission into a consistent, professional and dynamic visual identity system. 



DC Ventures

DC Ventures













Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text

Logo & Key Visual

Starting from the Logo, we start to draw the DC's story with a colorful brush through many brand's applications. This is really making a strong attraction for people on all aspects of the brand's touch points. We have successfully delivered the inspiring story of the founder: Every big picture starts with an ink-dot, just like every great company always gets started from a small point. And DC Ventures' mission is to add more color and help founders paint a complete picture for their company.

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Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text
Here comes the alt text

We believe that this identity is a breath of fresh air for businesses in the field of investment finance, where they themselves are a huge power of inspiration for today's creative design community.

We are proud of the impact our design had on the success of the business and look forward to future opportunities to work with Green Wave and other environmentally conscious brands.